Recent Publications
- Ban Y, Maltby RC, Markham MR (under review) Spike-frequency dependent coregulation of multiple ionic conductances in fast-spiking cells forces a metabolic tradeoff. BioRxiv manuscript.
- Nourbakhsh M, Markham MR (2021). Leptinergic regulation of vertebrate communication signals. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61, 1946-1954.
- Saenz DE, Gu T, Ban Y, Winemiller KO, Markham MR (2021) Derived loss of signal complexity and plasticity in a genus of weakly electric fish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224, jeb242400.
- Markham MR (2019) Biophysical basis of electric signal diversity. in: Carlson, B.A., Sisneros, J.A., Popper, A.N., Fay, R.R. (Eds.), Electroreception: Fundamental Insights from Comparative Approaches. Springer International Publishing, Cham (Switzerland), pp. 125-161.
- Swapna I, Ghezzi A, York JM, Markham MR, Halling DB, Lu Y, Gallant JR, Zakon HH (2018) Electrostatic tuning of a potassium channel in electric fish. Current Biology, 28, 2094-2102.
- Joos B, Markham MR, Lewis JE, Morris CE (2018) A model for studying the energetics of sustained high frequency firing. PLoS One, 13(4), e0196508.
- Markham MR, Ban Y, McCauley AG, Maltby RC (2016) Energetics of sensing and communication in electric fish: A blessing and a curse in the Anthropocene? Integrative and Comparative Biology, 56, 889-900
- Ban Y, Smith BE, Markham MR (2015) A highly polarized excitable cell separates sodium channels from sodium-activated potassium channels by more than a millimeter, Journal of Neurophysiology 114:520-530.
- Sinnett PM*, Markham MR (2015) Food deprivation reduces and leptin increases the amplitude of an active sensory and communication signal in a weakly electric fish. Hormones and Behavior 71:31-40. *undergraduate author
- Markham MR, Zakon HH (2014) Ionic mechanisms of microsecond-scale spike timing in single cells. Journal of Neuroscience 34:6668-6678 .
- Lewis JE, Gilmour KM, Moorhead MJ, Perry SF, Markham MR (2014) Action potential energetics at the organismal level reveal a trade-off in efficiency at high firing rates. Journal of Neuroscience 34:197-201.
- Markham MR (2013) Electrocyte physiology: 50 years later. Journal of Experimental Biology 216:2451-2458.
- Markham MR, Stoddard PK (2013) Cellular mechanisms of developmental and sex differences in the rapid hormonal modulation of a social communication signal. Hormones and Behavior 63:586-597.
- Markham MR, Kaczmarek LK, Zakon HH (2013) A sodium-activated potassium channel supports high-frequency firing and reduces energetic costs during rapid modulations of action potential amplitude. Journal of Neurophysiology 109:1713-1723.
- Markham MR, McAnelly ML, Stoddard PK, Zakon HH (2009) Circadian and social cues regulate ion channel trafficking. PLoS Biology 7:e1000203.
- Markham MR, Allee SJ, Goldina A, Stoddard PK (2009) Melanocortins regulate the electric waveforms of gymnotiform electric fish. Hormones and Behavior 55:306-313.
- Allee SJ, Markham MR, Stoddard PK (2009) Androgens enhance plasticity of an electric communication signal in female knifefish, Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus. Hormones and Behavior 56:264-273.